50” L x 38” W x 35” H
200 hours | 16,383 bricks
- 1 out of 3 mouthfuls of food you eat depends on pollination from bees & other insects.
- Bees have 4 wings; the two on each side hook to form a pair when flying, then unhook when resting.
- Have ultraviolet vision which allows them to follow markings on the leaves of flowers to the nectar & pollen, that we cannot see.
- A hive will create their own leaders by selecting a young larva & feeding it “royal jelly” to develop a strong queen bee.
- Everyone can do their part to keep bees buzzing by planting native wildflowers and not using pesticides in their gardens.
30” L x 32” W x 63” H
150 hours | 9,786 bricks
- They have modified sweat glands that secrete toxins when in danger, and they can lick these glands to spread toxin to their teeth, making them the only known venomous mammal in the world!
- Have such great flexibility that they can curl up into a ball with their head in between their knees with their legs hooked over their head.
- Large eyes for amazing vision in even dim lighting
- Have specialized bottom teeth that can rip into tree bark to release the sap.
- Have 2 tongues; one for nectar drinking and one to be used as a “toothbrush” for cleaning their teeth.
- By never purchasing items that include wildlife parts and by purchasing more sustainably produced products, we can help protect wildlife including tree dwellers like the slow loris.
112” L x 94” W x 60” H
305 hours | 40,260 bricks
- Males have a deep rose-pink color which is not common in the animal kingdom and makes them easy to distinguish between other dragonflies.
- One dragonfly can eat hundreds of mosquitos each day.
- Can fly at an impressive 35 mph!
- Have a 95% hunting success rate by catching insects in flight.
- Planting a variety of vegetation in or near water & not using pesticides in your garden can help protect dragonflies and other insects.
30” L x 30” W x 60” H
184 hours | 42,198 bricks
- Can soar over 10,000 feet (over 3x the height of the tallest building on Earth) by gliding on wind currents!
- Connect talons with partners in the air but break apart right before reaching the ground in a spectacular dance.
- Their full color vision and eyesight allows them to hunt for fish up to a mile away.
- Their beaks are sharp enough to slice through their dinner, and their talons are strong enough to carry their prey to their nests high in the sky.
- Scavengers; help the environment by cleaning up dead animals & keeping prey populations stable.
- Once listed as “Endangered”, conservation work done to save the bald eagle was so successful that it was able to be removed from the endangered species list and now thrives in much of its native range.
35” L x 30” W x 67” H
425 hours | 21,600 bricks
- Have arms that span over 7 feet from fingertip to fingertip to stretch from tree to tree and across branches.
- They can use their hands and feet to grab onto trees but also to eat & gather food.
- Adult males will develop flanges or flaps of fatty tissue on the sides of their face, as well as a large throat sac chamber to attract a mate.
- Some orangutans use tools like sticks to get insects out of holes in trees.
- By avoiding products made with palm oil & buying sustainable sourced goods, we can protect orangutans & their habitats.