Join the Club: Where Curiosity and Conservation Meet!
EcoClub provides an opportunity for children and teens who are interested in the environment to meet and share ideas and interests on how to positively impact the planet. We will meet live animals, talk conservation, and develop projects to help our community and our world!

We have two different clubs that are broken down by grade level:
Middle School EcoClub (grades 5-8) meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month.
High School EcoClub (grades 9-12) meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month.
Please click the orange or yellow boxes below for exact dates for each club.
General Information
Time: 5:15-6:45 pm on the above dates
Location: Gary K. Clarke Education Center at the zoo, enter through the front zoo admission gate
Cost: $130/child for the entire school year (cost includes a t-shirt)
Age: Middle School EcoClub: Grades 5-8; High School EcoClub: Grades 9-12
For questions, contact the education department:
Phone: 785-368-9137
Please R.S.V.P. before attending. You may join at any time during the year.