Registration of 2025 Monarch tagging Classes will open in August 2025.

Monarch butterfly populations have declined by close to 90% in the last few decades. These beautiful insects migrate through Kansas during the last two weeks of September and we are waiting for them! Join to Topeka Zoo as we offer in-person education and tagging classes!

How does it work?  These classes are held at the Kansas Museum of History and are broken up into two parts. The first portion is an indoor, interactive education program where students learn about monarch butterflies, their importance, and how to catch them. The second part is outdoors in the museum’s prairie, where kids will get nets to catch, tag, and release butterflies!

The zoo will provide all supplies for these classes. It is recommended that participants come wearing long pants and closed-toed shoes, as well as have bug spray on.

We offer two types of programs for these, all of which are held at the Kansas Museum of History: 

Monarch Education Tagging Classes-web