Bring the Heart of Africa

to the Heart of Topeka

Camp Cowabunga

On August 31st, 2018, Labor Day Weekend, the Topeka Zoo opened the biggest exhibit in the Zoo’s history, featuring African Lions, African Painted Dogs, Red Patas Monkeys, Ostrich, Guinea Fowl and state of the art interpretive elements. The award winning Camp Cowabunga is made to replicate the experience you will find on the African safari.

Explore the Animals of Camp Cowabunga

Guinea Fowl

Location: Originate from Guinea Coast

Status: Least Concern

Painted Dog

Location: Scrubland of Sub-Saharan Africa

Status: Critically Endangered

Red Patas Monkey

Location: Open Grasslands of Central Africa

Status: Least Concern


Location: Sub-Saharan Africa

Status: Least Concern


Location: Sub-Saharan Africa , Madagascar

Status: Least Concern


Location: Sub-Saharan Africa

Status: Vulnerable

Dik Dik

Location: Dense forest and plains of Eastern Africa and Southern Africa

Status: Least Concern

Leopard Tortoise

Location: Savannah of Eastern Africa and Southern Africa

Status: Least Concern